Dr. (Mrs.) Annpurna Nautiyal is a Professor and Head of the Department of Political Science, HNB Garhwal University, Srinagar, Garhwal, Uttaranchal. Her area of interest is international relations but she also has a keen interest in the regional and national issues, particularly the problem of women empowerment in the hill areas. She is a widely traveled person and was a Fulbright visiting professor at the Department of Public and International Affairs, George Mason University, Fairfax Virginia in 2006. She is the chairperson of the University women cell and Convener of the Board of Studies and Research Degree Committee. She is also a member the advisory committee of the Nehru Centre of the Aligarh Muslim University. She has published several articles in reputed journals. Professor Nautiyal has authored/edited five books which include: The Role of Henry Kissinger in World Politics (1987), India in the New World Order (1995) Uttarakhand in Turmoil (1996) Fifty Years of Human Rights: Expectations and Challenges (2002) and Challenges to India’s Foreign Policy in the New Era (2006)
Research Interests :International Relations, Women Empowerment, Gender issues
Selected Publications:
- Annpurna Nautiyal: (Edt) (2002) Fifty Years of Human Rights: Expectations and Challenges Sarita Book House, New Delhi
- Annpurna Nautiyal (Edt.): (2006) Challenges to India’s Foreign Policy in the New Era. Gyan Publication, Delhi
- Annpurna Nautiyal: (2002) Comprehensive Security Concerns: Perspectives from Uttaranchal. In seminar proceedings on Comprehensive Security: Perspectives from India’s Regions. Delhi Policy Group, New Delhi.
- Annpurna Nautiyal: (2003) Women and Development in the Garhwal Himalays, Asian Journals of Women’s Studies (Seoul) Vol. 9, No.4, PP 93-113
- Annpurna Nautiyal: (2003) Decentralisation, Good Governance and Uttranachal’s Development. Society and Development, Journal Vol. I (1) July – September.
- Annpurna Nautiyal; (2003) Indo –US Relations Expectations and Problems. In India’s Foreign Policy (edit) B.C. Upreti, Kalinga Pub. Delhi, 45-59.
- Annpurna Nautiyal: (2003) Nehru the Architect of India’s Foreign Policy: Indian Journal of Politics (Aligarh) Vol.XXXVII(1-2) January-June, 91-96
- Annpurna Nautiyal :(2004) Uttaranchal Tomorrow: In Uttaranchal Issues and Challenges of Development and Change (edit) B.C. Upreti, Kalinga Pub. Delhi, 45-59
- Annpurna Nautiyal: (2004) US Policies in the Post Cold War Era: An Indian Perspective. Strategic Analysis, Vol.28, No1, Jan-March, PP 138-156
- Annpurna Nautiyal: (2004) Social Conflicts and Peace: The Role of the Women of Garhwal Himalayas. Asia Pacific Panorama. Vol.3, No.1&2, December
- Annpurna Nautiyal: (2004) India of Present and Nehruvian Vision: in Jawahar Lal Nehru and Nationalism Edt. By T.A. Nizami. Threeway Publishers Aligarh,
- Annpurna Nautiyal: (2004) Uttaranchal Story Behind Marginal Differences. Economic and Political Weekly, Vol.XXXIX No.51, December 18-24.
- Annpurna Nautiyal : (2005) Women of Garhwal Himalaya from Eco-Social deprivation to Eco- Social Activism. Asian Journal of Women studies (E- Journal of Asiatic Society Italy) Vol.10, No.2 March 25.
- Annpurna Nautiyal: (2006) Current Trends in Indo-US Relations: Hopes for a Secure Future. Strategic Insights, (Monterey, California, USA) Vol.4, Issue 4, April.