
Shashi Kant Pandey

Mobile :91-8090297928


Location :

Department of Political Science, School for Ambedkar Studies, Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Lucknow - 226025

Education Qualification:  M.A, (Gold Medal) Ph.D. in Political Science from B.H.U. Varanasi, India

P.G. Diploma (I. R. &P. M.):  Bhartiya Vidya Bhawan, Mumbai (Gold Medal)

Teaching Experience:  19 Years

1. D.P. (Government) College, Kamki, Arunachal Pradesh,

2. K.R. (P.G.) College, Mathura, Affiliated to B.R. Ambedkar University, Agra,

3. B.  B. Ambedkar (Central) University, Lucknow U.P.

Area of specialization

  • Indian Politics, Local Self Government
  •  Human Rights and Child Labour


1.   Awarded Gold Medal for standing first at M. A. examination.

2.   Awarded Karan Singh Medal for standing first at MA examination.

3.   Awarded B.H.U. Research Fellowship During Ph.D. Programme

4.   Awarded Gold Medal for Securing 1st Position in IR& PM Programme

Research Publications


  • Western Political Thought, (Hindi) (2011), Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi
  • India’s Tryst with Democracy: Changing Contours of Politics, Economy and Society (2017), Concept Publication, New Delhi


Chapters in edited books:

  •  “Indian Democracy: How Inclusive?” in a book entitled Indian Democracy: Issues, Alternatives & Policies, ed., by Dr. Ajay Singh & B. N. Yadav, (2013), Pacific Publication, New Delhi   
  • “Bal Gangadhar Tilak & His Political Ideas” in an edited volume, The Indian Global Thinkers: Ideas, Thoughts and Contributions, ed., by Prof. R.C. Sobati, Army Printing Press, Lucknow


  • “Women’s Question in Modern Democracies: Issues of Representation in Public Sphere in India”, International Journal of Social Science and Development, Vol.2, No. 1, Jan-June 2016, ISSN No.-2454-5732
  • “Women Rights as Human Rights: Post- Beijing Scenario”, Indian Journal of Politics, Vol.50, Nos.1-2, January-June 2016
  • Contributed a chapter in e-Pathshala Programme,(Ministry of M.H.R.D.) sponsored by ICSSR on the topic Governments in States: Governor, Chief-Minister and council of States
  •  “Indian Democracy: Inclusive in Theory & Exclusionary in Practice”, Indian Journal of Political Science, Volume LXXIV, no.3, July-September 2013, pp.557-570
  •  India’s Representative Democracy: How Far is it Responsive?” Azad Academy Journal, Lucknow, No. 10, October 2014, pp31-40
  • “Dalit Rights and State Agenda: Miles Unmeasured”, Nav Gaveshna vol. 4, Issue, 2-4, April-December 2013, pp.9-18
  •   “Bharat mein Balshrama: Ek Alochanatamak Adhyan”, Loktantra Samiksha, Sansad Bhavan, New Delhi, January-June, 2009
  •  “Human Rights: An Overview”, Academic Staff College, Lucknow University, January 2010.
  • “Child Servitude in India: Trends & Challenges:”,  The Legal Analyst, volume 1, January-June, 2011, Varanasi
  • “US–Iran Relationship & its Implication for Global Politics”, Nava Gaveshna, vol. 2 Issue 1, January-March 2011
  •  “Assembly Election in Arunachal Pradesh:  An Overview”, Jigyasa, vol. 4 no.1, March 2011, Varanasi
  •  “Bonded Labour in India”: Third Concept Vol. 25, no. 292, June 2011, New Delhi


  Articles Published on Online News portal

  • “Lessons from Gujarat Election 2017: Political Parties cannot remain oblivious to the genuine grievances of the people” Face N Facts   (Electronic News Portal), New Delhi,22 December 2017
  • “Emerging Trends in Indian Electoral Politics and Party System,” Face N Facts   (Electronic News Portal), New Delhi, 29 November 2010
  • “The World after Osama”, Face N Facts (Electronic News Portal), New Delhi, 19 May 2011
  • “The Changing Perception about the Aged Citizens and Violation of Their Human Right” Face N Facts (Electronic News Portal), New Delhi, 9 November 2011


Membership of Academic/Professional Bodies

  1. Life Member: All India Political Science Association
  2. Member: Editorial/ Advisory Board, Azad Academy Journal (ISSN Number 2248-9835)
  3. Member: Departmental Research Committee, School for Ambedkar Studies, BBAU
  4. Member: Board for Post-Graduate Studies, School for Ambedkar Studies, BBAU
  5. Member: School Board, School for Ambedkar Studies, BBAU
  6. Member: Academic Council, BBAU
  7. Honorary Member- Midwest Political Science Association, U.S.A
  8. Member: Lokniti network (a nationwide network of Political Scientists in India), CSDS, New Delhi – coordinates the activities of the Lokniti regional centre at Lucknow (U.P.)


Paper Presentation & participation 

  1. Participated in a Capacity Building Workshop Jointly organized by CSDS, New Delhi & MPISSR, Ujjain on “Studying Public Opinion Survey Research” between 6 - 8 August 2018 held at Ujjain (M.P.).
  2. Participated and Chaired Session in a National Seminar on “Gender Discrimination in Contemporary India” on 11 February 2017 at BBAU, Lucknow
  3. Participated and Chaired a Session in National Seminar on “Law and Ethics in Public Domain: Contemporary Issues & Challenges in India”, Organized by BBAU, Lucknow & SOCIOMERS Foundation on 23rd November 2016
  4. Participated and Presented Paper in a National Seminar organized by the Department of   Sociology, BBAU on the Topic ‘Women Rights as Human Rights: Beijing and after on 11-12 November 2014.
  5. Participated and  jointly Presented paper in an International Conference  organized by the Department of Political Science, B.B.A.U  on    the topic” Globalization and its effects” 0n 22-23 March 2014
  6. Participated and Presented a paper in an International Conference organized by Jai Narayan Vyas University, Jodhpur(Rajasthan) on the Topic “ Democracy in India: Representative Yet not responsive”21-22 February 2014
  7. Presented Paper in an International Conference on “ Human Rights Law, Justice and Governance” on 26-27th April 2013 on the Topic “Right to Graceful Ageing” organized by Department of Law, BBAU, Lucknow
  8. Presented paper in an International Seminar held on 14-15th April 2013 on “Transcending Caste: Dr. B.R. Ambedkar and Social Democracy in Contemporary India on the Topic “ Two Worlds In One Village: Romantic Idealization Versus Rank Indignity”
  9. Presented Paper in Lucknow Social Science Congress held on 14-15th March 2013 at B.B. Ambedkar(Central) University, Lucknow  on the topic “ Development-Induced Displaced: Emerging Trends and Response of the Indian State”
  10. Presented Paper in a U.G.C. Sponsored National Seminar on Indian Federalism organized by Gorakhpur University on the Topic “India’s Experiment with Asymmetrical Federalism” on 8-9 March 2013.
  11. Participated and presented the paper in an International Seminar on the Topic “Minorities and the Indian State: A Study of Indian Muslims” Organized by Canadian Studies Centre, BHU, Varanasi on 25-26 Feb. 2012.
  12. Participated and presented Paper in the National Seminar organized by All India Political Science Association on the Topic “ Panchayati Raj &Human Rights Scenario in India” dated 28- 30 December 2011 at Lucknow.
  13. Presented Paper in a National Seminar on “Human Rights and Civil Society” on the Topic “Limits of Human Right”, Organized by H.R. (P.G.) College, Khalilabad (U.P.) on 22.10.2011
  14. Presented Paper in an International seminar on “Emerging Dynamics of Democracy in India” on the Topic “From Margin to Centre Stage: Dalit Rights Discourse in Contemporary India”. Organized by B.H.U., Varanasi On November 18-19, 2010.
  15. Presented paper in a National seminar on “Future of Governance: The challenges before Indian Administration in the 21st century. Organized by B. H. U., Varanasi November 12-13, 2009.
  16. Presented Paper in a National Seminar Organized at B.H.U., Varanasi on “Jharkhand: Demand of Statehood, Historical Perspective: Problems and Suggestions” on 15-17 March 1993.
  17. Presented Paper in a UGC Sponsored National Seminar on “A Higher Educational Institution & Society: A Case Study of D.P. College, Kamki”, at J.N. College, Pashighat, Arunachal Pradesh held on 30 Nov.-1 Dec. 2000.
  18. Participated in a 5-day workshop, jointly organized by CSDS ( New Delhi) and Christ Church College, Kanpur on “Quantitative Data Analysis Workshop” from 8.2 2011 to 12. 02 11
  19. Organized and Compeered a one day International  workshop, jointly conducted by University of California, Berkley, USA & Christ Church College, Kanpur on “Attitude of Hindus and Muslims Towards Their Representatives in U.P.”6.3.11 at BBAU, Lucknow
  20. Co-Convener of National Seminar on “The Politics of Division of Uttar Pradesh: Recent Trends and Consequences “organized by Department of Political Science, BBAU, Lucknow on 11 March 2010.
  21. Participated as a Resource Person in a UGC sponsored  Three Day National Seminar in D.A. V. College, Kanpur on “ Rural Development in India: Problem, Changing Prospects and Implementation Strategies on 27-29 November 2010.
  22. Organized and participated in a National Seminar on “Ambedkar as a Social Theorist” Organized by School of Ambedkar Studies, BBAU on 14-15 April 2009.
  23. Worked as a rapporteur in a National Seminar on “Ambedkar as a Social Theorist” Organized by School of Ambedkar Studies, BBAU on 14-15 April 2009.
  24. Participated in a Workshop Jointly Organized by ICSSR & South Gujarat University, Surat on “Computer Application in Social Sciences” from 11-20 Sept. 1995.


Participation in Seminar/Conference (National/International)

  1. Participated in an N.H.R.C. sponsored Seminar organized by the Department of Law on the Topic “ Human Rights of the Disadvantaged Groups” on 14.11.2011 at BBAU, Lucknow.
  2. Participated in a Workshop on ‘ Scientific and Technological Terminologies in Humanities and Social Sciences” organized by Scientific and Technical Terminologies Commission, Ministry of Human Resource Development, New Delhi at BBAU, Lucknow, UP  from 28- 29 October 2010
  3. Participated in a National Symposium on ‘Human Rights: National Integration’ organized by Department of Law, School for Legal Studies, Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Lucknow on September 11, 2009
  4. Participated in a one-day Networking- Cum- Workshop on ‘Problem of Social Exclusion of Slum Dwellers and Challenges of Their Social Inclusion’ Organized by CSSEIP, Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Luck now, 226025 On March 31, 2009.


Lectures delivered-

  1. Delivered a Lecture organized by Dept. of Human Rights in a Research Methodology workshop on the topic “Eight Steps Model in Research” on 9th January 2018
  2. Delivered a Lecture organized by Dept. of Rural Management in a Research Methodology workshop on the topic “Review of Literature” on 19th February 2016
  3. Delivered Lecture in the workshop on “Research Methodology in Social Sciences on the topic “Eight Steps Model in Research” Organized by Centre for the Study of Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policy, Banaras Hindu University, B.H.U. on 23rd January 2016.
  4. Delivered a lecture on  Changing Contours of Indian Federalism, 16-07-2014 organised by Department of Political Science, BBAU, Lucknow
  5. Delivered a lecture on   Group Rights and Indian Democracy on 20-11-2013 organised by Department of Political Science, BBAU, LucknowDelivered a Lecture in Awadh Girls (P.G.), College, Lucknow on the topic entitled                                                            “Indian Democracy: How Inclusive is it? 12.12.2012
  6. Delivered a lecture on Human Rights: A global perspective in the Department of Political Science on21 October 2009.
  7. Delivered a lecture on ‘Gandhi’s ideas and its relevance today’ in the Departmental Seminar held on 29 January 2009.
  8. Delivered lecture as a Key Speaker in an N.H.R.C. Sponsored Human Rights Training Programme on the Topic “Child Labour and Human Rights" 24th February 2008. B. S.A. College Mathura, U.P.


  1. National Level Master Assessor of the Project entitled ”Transforming India through PRIs by Continuous Training & E-enablement ” of National Institute of Rural Development, Hyderabad
  2. Visited Stockholm University, Sweden and currently working on a Joint Collaborative project involving Stockholm University, Sweden and DPS, BBAU, Lucknow on “Migrant workers in Real State Sector: A Case Study of Lucknow”
  3. ICSSR sponsored EECURI- International Project, the major research project between India and Europe (one of the team members)
  4. Worked as Area Supervisor in a research project entitled “Attitude of Hindus and Muslims towards Political Representatives in Uttar Pradesh” conducted jointly by the University of California, Berkley (USA) and Christ Church College, Kanpur (India).(Jan.-March 2011)
  5. Worked as Area Supervisor in a research project entitled “Get-Out-the-Vote-Study: Studying Impact of Religious Identity on Voter’s Mobilization in Uttar Pradesh” conducted jointly by the University of California, Berkley (USA) and Christ Church College, Kanpur (India). (Jan.-March 2012)


Research Guidance:

Post Doctoral Fellows (ICSSR): 2

Ph. D. Awarded: (3), Ongoing (5)                 

Organizing & Co-Organizing Secretary

  • Co-organising Secretary,  A Two- Day National Seminar on Gender Discrimination in Contemporary India: Issues and Challenges, February 11-12, 2017
  • Co-organising Secretary,  National Seminar on Politics of Development in India, February 12-13, 2016
  • Organized Two Day National Seminar on “Emerging Trends and Dynamics of Indian Politics” (21-22 March 2015)
  • Co-organising Secretary, Symposium on Sardar Patel Birthday On 31 October 2014
  • Co-organising Secretary, International Seminar on Ambedkar Jayanti on the topic “Ambedkar’s Concept of Dhamma: Transforming Self and Society”, 14 April 2014
  • Co-organising Secretary, International Seminar on Global Politics on “Global Politics and Governance in 21st Century: Emerging Trends and Global Concerns” 22-23 March 2014.
  • Co-organising Secretary of an International Seminar on the topic “Transcending Caste: Dr. B.R. Ambedkar and Social Democracy in Contemporary Indian” in 2013.
  • Co-organising Secretary, First Lucknow Social Science (LUCSOC 2013), Social Sciences: Past Experiences and Future Challenges, 14-15 March 2013
  • Co-organising Secretary of a National Seminar on the topic “Politics of the Division of Uttar Pradesh - Recent Trends and Consequences” in 2010. 


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