
Gyanaranjan Swain

Mobile :91-9439864092


Location :

Department of Political Science Ravenshaw University, Cuttack


  • At present teaching (Permanent) in the Department of Political Science, Ravenshaw University, Orissa from 28th April 2010.
  • I worked as a lecturer (Temporary against leave vacancy) in the Department of Political Science, Zakir Hussain College (Eve), the University of Delhi from 16th July 2009 to 27th April 2010.    
  • In 2006-07 from 1st November to April 30 and 23rd July 2007 to 23rd November 2007, 17th July 2008 to 16th November 2008, 18th November to 15th July 2009, I was working as an adhoc lecturer in Ram Lal Anand College, (Eve). Total 21 Months Approximately
  • In 2006-07, and 2008-2009 I taught as a guest lecturer in Kirorimal College and I was assigned to teach Citizenship in a Globalizing World and Voluntary Organizations.
  • In the 2005-06 session, I taught as a guest lecturer in the Keshav Mahavidyalaya, University of Delhi. I taught Democracy and Governance in that particular session.
  • Taught in the school of correspondence for the session 2004-05, 2005-2006 and 2006-07. In both the sessions, I have taught political theory. In the last session, I taught Politics, Ethics and Social Responsibilities for the School of Open Learning.
  • Worked as a counselor for IGNOU (Masters in Rural Development and P.G Diploma in Rural Development) for the academic session 2007-2008.


  • Working as a state Co-coordinator for CSDS lokniti since 2016.  
  • Worked as a fieldwork Coordinator for a research project on Human Well-being under Prof Prasanta Pattanaik being funded by the University of California, Riverside.
  • Worked as a research associate for six months a Developing Countries Research Centre (DCRC) in a Planning Commission Project "An Evaluation of Sampoorna Grameen Rojagar Yojana" in Orrisa under Prof. Manoranjan Mohanty.
  • Worked as a research assistant for six months in B.A Programme Committee under the chairmanship of Prof. Manoranjan Mohanty.


  • I was a visiting fellow from October 2011 to November 2011 (One Month), in Developing Countries Research Centre, DU


  • ‘Analysing structures of Patriarchy’  in Tapan Biswal Ed. Human Rights, Gender and Environment, Viva Publications, New Delhi, 2006
  • ‘Environment and Sustainable Development’  in Tapan Biswal Ed. Human Rights, Gender and Environment, Viva Publications, New Delhi, 2006
  • Global Environmental Issues in Tapan Biswal ed. International Relations Macmillan Publications, New Delhi, 2009
  • ‘Globalization and Indian  Women’s Movement’ in M.P.Singh Ed. Indian Politics in a Globalised World, Manak Publications, New Delhi, 2009
  • ‘Multicultural conceptions of Citizenship’ in Citizenship, Ashok Acharya Ed. Pearson Publications, New Delhi, 2012
  • ‘Institutional Power Structures in India’ in M.P. Singh and Subhendu Raj Ed. Indian Political System, Pearson Publications, New Delhi, 2011.
  • ‘Indian Politics and the Nature of the State in India’, in M.P. Singh and Subhendu Raj Ed. Indian Political System, Pearson Publications, New Delhi, 2011.


  • Odisha Panchayat Elections: Questioning the BJP Swing, Economic and Political Weekly, June 3, 2017

Book Reviews

  • Akhil Ranjan Dutta, Human Security in North East India, Issues and Policies, Anwesha Publications, published in Social Change, 40(2)-221-234, Sage Publications, New Delhi, 2010. 


  • Presented a Paper on The Politics of Dynasties/Families: A Profile of the OdishaMLAs and MPs’ at Paris, France” Organised by Centre d'études et de recherches internationales (CERI)
  • Attended a Refresher Course in Political Science in JNU in April 2012
  • Attended a twenty-one-day Research Methodology course organized by V.V. Giri National Labour Institute.
  • Have attended two month Refresher Course on Gender and Society organized by the Centre for Women Studies, University of Delhi.
  • Have attended a two-day U.G.C sponsored national seminar on “The Individual and the state: An exploration in Modern Indian Thought” and presented a paper on “Indian Democracy and Empowerment: The emerging contradictions”.
  • Have coordinated two-day international conference organized by the Department of Political Science, the University of Delhi on “Indian Conceptions of Democracy”.


  • Applied Political Theory, Development Discourse, Indian Politics


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